UHN Registration Instructions – Clerkship

Step 1: Log in to your UMLearns account:  https://UMlearns.UHN.ca

Note: Please use your existing account. Creating another account will result in access delays. If you are new to the Wightman-Berris Academy, please create a new account as a MEDICAL LEARNER, not a health profession, and complete the profile section in its entirety.

  1. Click on “My Placement” (top right corner of the website).
  2. Select placement year (example “2018-2019”)
  3. Choose both UHN and MSH and sign off on confidentiality
  4. Fill out required information
  5. Submit placement

Please disregard the registration instructions provided through UMLearns and adhere to the steps outlined below and in the attached. Your UHN and MSH registration will be finalized during Transition to Clerkship (TTC).

Step 2: Complete Training and Knowledge Test for access to UHN & MSH’s clinical information system – Electronic Patient Records (EPR) and Powerchart

EPR – UHN: Online training takes 1.5-2 hours.

  1. The EPR with Medication Order Entry course is completed via: http://www.uhn.ca/corporate/For_Staff/Digital_Education/Pages/EPR_physicians.aspx
    Note: You must submit your UHN placement on uhn.ca prior to completing EPR training. This will allow for your knowledge test results to be uploaded into the registration database.
  2. Once you have passed the knowledge test, you will be prompted to complete a Course Completion Declaration Form and an ID Verification Form. Accurate completion of these forms is required for you to receive timely EPR access.

Upon approval of your uhn.ca placement, you will receive an email confirming your registration. You will now have the following available under the Network Log-in tab in your UMLearns.uhn.ca profile:

  • tID (your UHN network access ID). Your tID will allow you login access to any onsite computers, as well as corporate Wi-Fi and remote access to the UHN intranet.
  • EPR log-in information (Note: your EPR credentials will not be visible until you have completed EPR training).

Please make every effort to complete your UMLearns registration and EPR training before August 13, 2018 to ensure timely access. If your placement is approved before you complete the training, please present in person to a Medical Education office to have your EPR authorized once you have completed the training. After TTC, you can also email MedicalEducation@uhn.ca with the subject line: EPR Test Completed. Access will be granted within two business days.


 Training can be done through a web-based tutorial, followed by a hands-on in-class scenario exercise.   Please see document “Education Instructions for Fellows, Resident and Med Students” for more information.

In-Class Exercise: 600 University, 20th fl., room 20-245 IT System Education classroom (make sure to use the Murray Street Elevators)  These sessions are approximately 1.5-2 hours in length depending on your rotations.  Due to high volume, you must sign up for a date listed below by contacting Nanci.Somerville@sinaihealthsystem.ca 

Slots will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis.

 August 22: 9 am – 12 noon

August 27: 9 am – 12 noon & 1 pm – 3 pm

August 28: 9 am – 12 noon & 1 pm – 3 pm

Step 3: Dictation and CLiP

Dictation allows voice recording of clinical reports for transcription.


To apply online (only after you have an EPR ID and tID) complete the Dictation Access Form on the INTRAnet:

  1. Log in at https://intranet.remote.uhn.ca/vpn/index.html using your tID
  2. On the Intranet home page, go to FORMS>D>Dictation Access/Change Credentials 

Dictation Instructions:  http://www.uhnmodules.ca/For_Staff/computer_education/ClipeLearning/index.html

FAQs (on UHN intranet): http://intranet.uhn.ca/clinical_tools/dictation/clip_faq.asp

UHN uses CLiP for self-editing transcribed notes and can be accessed through EPR. There is an elearning module for CliP on the Transcription Services webpage – https://www.uhnmodules.ca/For_Staff/computer0_education/CliPeLearning/index.html

If you have any questions please refer to the online FAQ sheet (on UHN intranet). http://intranet.uhn.ca/clinical_tools/dictation/clip_faq.asp

For technical problems call the HELP Desk at 416-340-4357 or Transcription Services at 416-340-4800 x6000.

 Dictation @ MSH

Apply in person – Health Records, 600 University Ave, 4th floor, room 460, open Mon-Fri 7:30am to 3:30pm.

 Step 4: Pick-up your registration package during the TTC Academy Orientation day – August 21, 2018

Your package will be available for you to pick-up ahead of the Wightman-Berris orientation session.

  • Photo ID/ Access: The Photo ID you received in Year 1 will continue to function as your photo ID at both UHN and MSH and should be worn at all times while at either hospital. This badge will also provide security access at UHN.

 If you are new to Wightman-Berris (or if you require a replacement badge), visit the UHN Photo Id office:

TGH 730a – 330p Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday – Eaton South Basement, Rm 426A – Opposite Security

TWH 730a – 330p Thursday & Friday – Fell Pavilion, 1st floor, Rm 511

For replacement badges, you will be required to pay a $10 replacement fee at the cash office prior to going to Photo ID to get your new badge.

For MSH security access, please take the red slip in your registration package to the Security Desk (on the main floor of 600 University) and they will assign you an access card (or update your card, if you currently have one).

  • Lockers: Complete the Locker contract form in your registration package and return to Medical Education at your earliest convenience. Clerks are issued lockers at three WB sites – TGH, TWH & MSH
  • Pagers: All clerks will require a pager.

 Students with last names starting with A-G will receive their pagers from MSH. Please visit Cooper Centre to make arrangements and pay your deposit.

Students with last name H-Z should complete the requisition form in their registration package and present to the UHN Cashier’s Office (1st Floor Munk Wing, beside the Starbucks) to pay their deposit. Pagers can be picked up at a UHN Medical Education office.

  • Scrubs & lab coats: Uniform Control Forms are available from Medical Education. Please pay your deposit at the hospital Cashier’s office and follow the instruction on the form for pick-up.

Step 5: Mask Fit Testing

Mask fit testing is mandatory every two years. Once you have completed your fit testing, please update your UMLearns.uhn.ca profile with this information.

Drop-in times for Mask fit testing at UHN are available on the UHN intranet. You must present your UHN badge to complete your testing

You can also reserve a time by contacting:

TGH Occupational Health

Eaton Wing, 2nd floor, Rm. 269

Contact: Sharon Edwards


416-340-4800 x5035


TWH Occupational Health

Main Pavilion, 9th floor, Rm. 303

Contact: Teresa Salvador


416-603-5800 x2539




Computer Labs


TGH Medical Education, Eaton Wing, Ground Floor, Rm. 001. There are also computers in the student lounge. The printer is for your use and paper is available at the front desk.
TWH Medical Education,  3 West Wing, 3rd Floor, Room 438, 399 Bathurst Street, Toronto ON M5T 2S8 Access cards are available at the front desk for ‘after-hours’ entry. The printer is for your use and paper is available at the front desk.
MSH Medical Education, 60 Murray Street, 3rd floor, room L3-300.


Students are entitled to 500 free copies or prints per year. Please visit a UHN library to have these options added to your ID badge. Your ID badge will also function as your UHN library card allowing you to borrow items, copy and print at all UHN libraries. You can also use the TGH Medical Education computer lab and the resources at Cooper Centre (60 Murray Street; 3rd Floor) for your printing and copying needs.




Toronto General Eaton Wing, Ground Floor, Rm. 001 (beside the information desk)
Toronto Western MedWest Building, 750 Dundas St. W., 3rd floor, Rm. 305 (corner of Bathurst & Dundas)
Mount Sinai 60 Murray Street, 3rd floor, Rm. L3-300